Erhan Önal's Blog

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Did Yoda have Alzheimer's in his last years?

Yoda in the new movies and Yoda in "Empire Strikes Back" are two very different people in personality. This suggests that he might have lost it in his final years since he looks overly giddy and somewhat annoying when he talks to Luke. On the other hand, the Yoda of the past (well, of the new movies - I know it is confusing) is so mature and everything. If you come to think about it, he is over 700 years old or something, so it is conceivable that he might have had some kind of neural disorder at that stage of his life. I call upon all Star Wars fans to ponder about this issue.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Justice Scalia - Why is he so great?

Although I could not attend the talk on Sunday (I had a bit of a hangover), I think it is a good idea to shed some light on precious conservatives that shape our lives in my blog, at least from time to time. So what is this fuss about Justice Scalia - why is he admired so much by the right wingers? It is usually said that he is an "originalist", which means he does not try to stretch the meaning of the constitution like some demented liberal. With the same token, if the constitution is talking about "other people", we should really implement that. So three fifths of "other people" should be counted in a state to determine its population. Since originalism is so great, let's "strictly interpret" this passage. Never mind the fact that nothing is the same since the 18th century - this is what conservatives do, they preserve values, NO MATTER what the value is.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Right wing nut visits Northfield

Yes, you are right - Ann Coulter is giving a talk at St. Olaf. this Sunday. If I can find a friend that will come with me, I will go see her; and I will (try to) ask her the following question:
Do you think hypotheses such as Creationism should be taught in biology classes alongside evolution?
If the answer is no, then maybe she is not as bad as I think she is. If she says yes, then ignorance will have won - here is why:
Darwinism has inspired nothing but racist and right-wing ideologies in the 19th and 20th centuries. I really don't see why the right in the U.S. is so much against Darwin's theory of evolution. The theory of evolution is prone to distortion and can be easily converted to a right-wing "survival of the fittest" (Although Darwin never said that) paradigm - it has been done before, and it can be done again! As a result, we can finally say goodbye to social welfare since those people really "don't deserve to be rewarded for their weaknesses" and say hi to flat tax. The Republican party is mainly controlled by religious zealots - I hope one day they will just say "God created evolution" and stop mingering with Biology and start realizing the "gems" hidden beneath this beautiful theory! I think Republicans should stop being cry babies and use evolution for their own agenda.
Another reason is that if we start teaching hypotheses at biology classes, there is no end to what "cannot be taught." As an example, let's imagine a biology teacher who says he created humans. This is non-sensical, just like saying that "God created everything." You cannot prove it, you cannot disprove it, because it is beyond the realm of science.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Hello again...

It has been a while, so I thought I would give an update of how things are going. The renovation is on the way, I have acquired various electronic devices (such as wireless headset). I now need a pedal and sweat cream for my piano performance next week.