Erhan Önal's Blog

Thursday, June 30, 2005

OK, OK, I admit...

Alright, I admit, the news posted earlier today was a hoax, it was bogus... I apologize from everyone who relentlessly called our news center today and were outraged by this news. Although this might hurt my credibility in the future, I want you guys to stick with me and believe in my blog.

In an unrelated story, Michael Jackson is acquitted of all charges. Weak prosecution always equals to acquittal in many cases. I didn't believe he would go to jail, one minute... I wonder whether the one in 1993 was real. Maybe this wasn't real; maybe that is why Michael went to court for this one instead of settling it.


Blogger gizem said...

Michael Jackson ist uebermensch. His will is all-conquering. We mere humans are limited by our nature, our looks, our gender, our power and influence... He, on the other hand, is free of these shackles.

What, surprised? What made you think uebermensch would be a nice, blond, friendly, conventional petit-bourgeois, anyway?

August 23, 2005 at 12:39 PM  
Blogger Erhan Onal said...

I know how you feel about him. But as you can see, I am merely reporting what I see on TV - I am not sure whether I see MJ as an uebermensch, but I certainly don't think uebermensch is a quintessential petit-bourgeois with blonde hair, etc.

August 25, 2005 at 1:23 PM  
Blogger gizem said...

Actually, when I wrote 'you' in the previous comment, I hadn't meant 'you' as in Erhan Önal from Besiktas. I was just addressing the masses, who are reading your blog, in a personal way.

September 1, 2005 at 9:25 AM  

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