Erhan Önal's Blog

Saturday, September 17, 2005

What can a new conservative Supreme Court bring to the U.S.?

It seems there will be two new justices in the Supreme Court, so I think it is time to look at what a new court change in the United States:
I do not believe they will challenge Roe vs. Wade in a serious manner - they could, for instance, prevent third trimester abortions and such, but they cannot completely overturn it. It is the law of the land for nearly 30 years, and has become a part of the culture. If a state bans it, all you have to do is to go some other state that doesn't ban it. If the U.S. bans it, all you have to do is to go to Canada. So, see, you really cannot ban it, people will find ways. A troubling option would be for people to resort to illegal clinics/doctors. Conservatives are usually skeptical of policies - they solve one problem and create another, at least so they say. So I think there will not be a radical change in this ruling, at least it will not be eroded terribly.
One issue that may deteriorate much worse than the abortion issue is the so-called separation of church and state. Originalists think that the constitution is written on Judeo-Christian values, so they want public displays of 10 commandments (which, ironically, were meant only for Jews), a Pledge of Allegiance with the words "one nation under God", etc. I think John Roberts is an originalist in disguise, no question about that (In the past, I have commented on originalists in my blog). And Michael Newdow will be just another unpatriotic, immoral atheist that tries to undermine the foundations of this country.


Blogger gizem said...

Conservative is a synonym for 'retarded'. Current western conservative ideology is the same as the liberal ideology of the 19th century. They have just recently got it. A century later from now, they will be defending abortion rights, pluralistic society and social security like modern western liberals.

September 19, 2005 at 10:43 AM  

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