Erhan Önal's Blog

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Movie idea

I am imagining a Nazi-occupied France, Franco's Spain, or Mussolini's Italy. There is a couple in love, they get to know each other, etc. It is a slightly funny movie, not really "funny", but funny in "Amelie" sense (In other words, not so funny). This couple is sort of isolated from the surrounding political turmoil, but nonetheless it is a problematic time (Vichy France, perhaps?). Narrow streets are a must in this movie, so are old ladies that hang clothes in balconies. Bicycles are common, so are bread baskets (you get the picture). At the end of the movie, we find out that the boy is actually from the "Resistance" (If the movie is in Paris), or a communist (Barcelona or Rome would do). The following music plays when they come to take the boy, and the girl is just watching from a distance:

We may find out the girl's father ratted him out for a twist. It will be "film noir," the voice could finish the movie with the following (Assuming we are going with the Resistance idea):

"Et ils ne se sont jamais revus. Elle s'est mariée au favori de son père après la guerre."

I want a Post-Marxist movie that is based on the dialectic undercurrent between the personal and the collective (couple's relationship vs. the turmoil in the country), the steady and the sudden (the couple's lives being disrupted by the occupying force), and finally the feminine and the masculine (symbolized in the couple itself). Not to mention the Resistance vs. Vichy France.

What can symbolize the sudden ending of this couple's relationship better than this piece's abrupt but beautiful transition from Db Major to G major (Or the French would say, ré bémol majeur - sol majeur) ?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Internet Addiction

Internet addiction is a real problem that affects more and more Americans each day. Although I am not one of them, I am still addicted to the Internet. It has been taking up my time more and more, preventing me from focusing important things in life such as working out, socializing with (physical) friends, reading (physical books), and playing the piano.

My friends and family were worried. They voiced their concerns about my situation, and I listened to them. Something had to be done.

I did some research on the web and came across the web site below:

This was my path to salvation. I read all the material on the web site, participated discussions, posted blog entries, and started chatting with people who shared the same problem. Although my family and friends are now worried about me spending too much time on this Internet addiction web site, I think I curbed my Internet addiction. I recommend it to everyone that is struck by the same malady.

I am off to the netaddiction blog now, take care everyone!