Erhan Önal's Blog

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Spam Incident - FROM AFRICA!!!

Hello guys,

The Nigerian scam is getting out of hand. Today, someone tried to lure me into his/her trap. But of course, I knew something was amiss; but wanted to keep him/her talking to make a point. I hid my identity (but didn’t change my city), but oh well, here it goes (I have hidden my IM nick here to prevent further incursions):

<My nick>: Hi
sandrajoebb : how are you?
sandrajoebb : how was your day?
<My nick>: I am good, thanks.
sandrajoebb : what is your name?
<My nick>: My name is David. How about yours?
sandrajoebb : am SANDRA
sandrajoebb : you have a nice name
<My nick>: Thanks. Where do you live?
sandrajoebb : i live at GR in NY
sandrajoebb : where do you live?
<My nick>: Northfield, Minnesota.
sandrajoebb : ok
sandrajoebb : what are you up to?
sandrajoebb : do you have picx?
<My nick>: Well, today is holiday, so I was just cleaning up my house. How about yourself?
sandrajoebb : just here looking for my suol mate
<My nick>: I see. Do you go to school and/or work?
sandrajoebb : well i dont go to school
sandrajoebb : i travel for bussiness
<My nick>: That is very interesting. Where have you been before?
sandrajoebb : well....right now i cant tell you where I,M i have to know you better
<My nick>: Oh, of course.
sandrajoebb : tell me more of you...and i will tell you mine
sandrajoebb : are you single
<My nick>: Yes
sandrajoebb : really?
<My nick>: Sure thing. I work very hard at my company, so I cannot have time for it.
sandrajoebb : okay
sandrajoebb : what work you do?
<My nick>: Computer sales.
sandrajoebb : okay
<My nick>: It is a really hard job, but i love it. What is your work about?
sandrajoebb : well...when i was in NY i sale baby chloth....
<My nick>: Wow, that is interesting.
sandrajoebb : well....i will love to tell you more of me...and what happen to me
sandrajoebb : what am into right now
<My nick>: What is it?
sandrajoebb : is a long storry
sandrajoebb : right now am so sad about my life
<My nick>: Is it so?
sandrajoebb : yeah
sandrajoebb : right now am stuck in africa
<My nick>: That sucks. I bet it is Nigeria... And you need money to get out. And I am the president of the United States. Good bye now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha liars in the Internet have been improving day after day.. cheats are the best easy getting money

December 23, 2006 at 3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


December 23, 2006 at 3:46 PM  

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