Erhan Önal's Blog

Monday, November 27, 2006


This has been going on for a while, so I thought I would comment on this. Are we really on the right track in terms of foreign-policy?

1. United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001, replacing a regime hostile to Iran.
2. In 2002, United States invaded Iraq, freeing Shiites in the region (do I need to say more?).
3. Iraq war partially caused higher gas prices, helping Iran.
4. United States did not want to interfere with the Lebanon Israel conflict in 2006, Hezbollah pounded civilian targets in Israel and increased its perceived credibility and invincibility in the region.

After all these, no wonder the Iranian president Ahmadinejad is always smiling in front of the camera. I wish Fox news Channel would comment on these rather curious events.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this comment is a different viewpoint to middleast. whole fixings are applicable i think. all over the world know that the usa doesnt want that any country becomes powerful as itself. according to the usa if all of countries have small lands, economy etc. and have conflict with eachother, this situation is perfect. the usa wants to take freedom to pll of some region. why doesnt it think of conflict of some groups in africa? honestly is the best policy! many ppl in the usa are good i know. policy of the last a few years of the usa has caused getting hostile thinking to the usa. i like usa but i dont like this foreign policy. everyone knows that usa is the powerest country in the world for now. it determines equilibriums of the world. and wants to maintains this situaton for along time. and makes basics of the future of the usa. sometimes some situations may look like helping to some enemy countries. but i think there may be something under these events or these situations are just improficiency

December 23, 2006 at 3:35 PM  

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