Erhan Önal's Blog

Saturday, August 30, 2008

So long...

With all the "presumptuous" nominees around, I just want to take a moment to salute one of the most incredible presidents, George W. Bush, in his final days at the office.

His was not an easy presidency. Almost immediately after his inauguration, 9/11 shook this country. We were quite patriotic, even chauvinistic perhaps for a while, invading Iraq afterwards, listening to Toby Keith, and boycotting French wine: American art, American master, American beer.*1

Then the spending started - Government spending that would make a socialist blush. When he was up for a re-election in 2004, I told my Democratic friends that everyone deserved a second chance. They would never know whether I was joking or not. Is it true that if you are a Republican before 21, you don't have a heart, and if you are a Democrat after 21, you don't have a brain?*2

I think I speak for many when I say to Bush:

So long, and thanks for all the fish(y government contracts).*3

*1 F. Nietzsche

*2 S. Pinker

*3 D. Adams


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