Erhan Önal's Blog

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Before Farmville..

Before Farmville, there was another game....

I haven't heard this theme in at least 13 years, but I remember it like I heard it yesterday. Without too much ado, here goes my little theme and variation:

Theme and Variation

I used to play this game for hours when I was a teenager; looking back, one cannot help but wonder: Given that this game was about opening doors to unknown places and shooting whatever ended up in front of you.... Was it not an allegory for our lives at the time? Was it not similar to taking an exam and trying to solve whatever question you might be asked? Not knowing what you will encounter, not knowing what university or major you will end up in?

And at the very end, you opened another door, and there was a big monster (exam) you had to handle; you felt a certain sort of emptiness after you did that. You then wish you never killed that monster...

Do you know what game I am talking about?

I dedicate this piece to every teenager who is not afraid of opening doors and facing their monsters.


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